Are you excited about summer? Around here summers are for family swimming and grilling so I am always on the hunt for barbecue ideas Every weekend ends with me at the grill while the kids tire themselves out in the pool. My kids don't do well without the rigid schedule of the school day. They get cabin fever and fight -- then fight some more. Since my husband … [Read more...]
Lightning Quick Dinner: Instant Pot Spaghetti Sauce
Are your nights busy with youth sports or other extracurricular activities? The Instant Pot is the answer to that problem. But let's take it a step farther. How much easier for your life would it be to take advantage of the quickness of an electric pressure cooker for one meal with more than enough leftover to freeze for a later one? Much easier, I promise. This post was … [Read more...]
Why sports moms need an Instant Pot
The one gift this past Christmas that had me squealing with joy and seeing rainbows and glittery clouds was a pot with a plug. I could almost feel the impending dread of dinner time during soccer season fading away into the distance. Really. I was that happy. I finally had an Instant Pot. What is an Instant Pot? For those of you who haven't seen all the chatter about it, it … [Read more...]
Easy Low Carb Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe
I usually make my kids dinner and then make myself my "healthy" dinner. As an adult, I have different macronutrient needs than the children do so I don't limit their carbohydrates like I do my own. Even my macronutrient needs change. (I don't eat the same way when I am not regularly lifting weights as I do when I am.) I am not on a "diet" per se. I don't follow … [Read more...]
10 Easy Paleo Recipes for every meal!
Where do you fall on the fitness scale? You are probably always on the go. I bet you can carry babies and all.the.things at the same time. That takes stamina and strength, right? Me? I am fit-ish. I sport a "dun lapped" along with my muscles -- my belly done lapped over my jeans. Do you know how frustrating it is to know that you can lift more weight that some of the dads … [Read more...]