I don’t often write about fitness but I do feel that it is an important part of our lives. Things happen and we don’t always keep up with our fitness goals but our lives run so much smoother when we regularly exercise–and by “we,” I mean both the Hubs and myself. I get it. Fitness for busy moms can easily become a pipe dream that we think of every turn of the year.
Benefits to becoming more fit
My mood is less erratic which leads to a more peaceful home. Share on X
These two little terrors are a reflection of my mood. It really is true that if Mommy’s not happy, nobody is happy. They feed off and imitate my energy and my frame of mind.
I can fit into more of my clothes
Early last year I dropped about 4 clothing sizes and got rid of my maternity clothes (because my “baby” was now four!) and my larger clothes. I got rid of ALL of them. When I stopped working away from home, my size crept back up. We are on a greatly reduced income now, so I have no intention of going out to buy bigger clothes.
My kids see the importance I place on health and well being.
My daughter asked me why I never have to go to the doctor. She has to go quite a bit. My husband tends to go to appointments in clusters. He gets all the physical, eye work, dental at about the same time every year so she thinks that he goes to the doctor a lot. She accompanies my son to his well checks too.
I used to be ill all the time before the kids were born and when they were babies. Now, not so much. I think the last time I actually went to the doctor was for the follow up after the miscarriage and D&C in October of last year.
My kids are both a motivation and an excuse when it comes to working out
How crazy is it that my workout routine was derailed when I stopped working? Life as a busy work from home mom is a different sort of craziness than life as a busy working mom. Either way it isn’t easy to make time for fitness for busy moms.
It’s taken me a while to get back into a routine and it will have to change again when the kids and I go back to school in a couple of weeks.
As a working mom who spent long hours in traffic and at work, I hated to keep the kids in daycare longer so I could work out. They were already in daycare ten hours a day at the time. So I worked out at home.
I have an old treadmill in our family room which is a life saver. In my past working life, I would wake up at 5am to run on the treadmill. When the kids woke up, they would stumble into the living room and watch cartoons while I finished my workout. More often than not, they would sleep through my run. This is how I can spend all day walking around a theme park or at the zoo without having my enjoyment of the time I get to spend with the kids marred by aching feet or joints. It’s how I have energy to make time for fun.
I slowly built up my home gym equipment.
The first things I got were a few dumb bells from Play it Again Sports, a sports equipment consignment shop. There are a ton of people that buy exercise equipment, never use it, so get rid of it. My gain! I also got my kettle bells from there.
The cheapest and most effective cardio “equipment” I have is a jump rope. Yes, that’s right. A jump rope. I hate it with a passion but it works.
I also like my big stability ball.
It really doesn’t take a big gym or a lot of equipment to work in an effective exercise regime.
Spending less time ill, being in a better mood, and being an example to my kids are priceless benefits to being in shape and worth far more to me than the number on the scale. However, you don’t have to pay membership fees or spend tons of money on home equipment. You don’t even have to have room to have a home gym. Sure I have to remind my kids that my exercise stuff are not toys and watch them to make sure the rules are being followed (I have to do that anyway!) My equipment is a jumbled mess in the corner but my health and well-being trump how I want the living room to look. That being said, a workout room will be part of our next home 😉
Hey busy moms, how do you fit fitness into you mom life?
Kristen says
I’m with you! It is so important to work out, gotta get my butt back into it!!
Kristen recently posted…Playtime with Amanda Bingson
Echo says
These are great tips! Especially for someone, like me, who feels like they have no time!
Echo recently posted…Ask Away Friday is Out for Summer!
Amanda says
Great ideas! Thank you for sharing with us at Merry Monday!
Amanda recently posted…Meal Plan Monday 1/19
Samantha @ Stir the Wonder says
Great advice! Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop! We hope you stop by again next week!
Samantha @ Stir the Wonder recently posted…Moon Dust Writing Tray
Joanne says
i just came across your blog and love some of the things you write about! 🙂 I have recently had a baby (6 weeks ago) and today was the first day I went for a run…it’s in fact the first jog for 11 months!! I have decided i need to get my fitness back so today was the start of the battle! I know it is going to be difficult to find the time, but I will just have to make it. Love the idea of a jump rope…I will invest in one soon!
Thanks! 🙂
Herchel says
Congratulations on the baby! You’ll be cursing my name while you jump rope, I bet. I think the jump rope is an awesome way to mix up the cardio. My body gets used to running.
Tricia The Good Mama says
Great tips! I love free weights and use my stability ball quite often. We live in a condo in the city, so there isn’t room for a treadmill (plus I hate running on them). I usually save my runs for the weekends and I do quick workouts throughout the week. I love trying videos on-demand and the T25 program is great. I also make up a few exercise routines myself. I feel a millions times better when I have had a work out in!
Tricia The Good Mama recently posted…“Hiking” with Baby
Herchel says
It is so much harder to run on the street for me! The heat and humidity here is a killer. The kids and I have started running outside in the evenings but whew! Terrain is more difficult than the level treadmill in the ac for sure.