True to Scruggs form there was a bit of Halloween chaos this year. Scrugglet #1 who never gets sick came down with strep throat but was well enough today to go to school and trick or treating with his two best friends who he doesn't see as much now that they are in three different kindergartens. The princess started off the day with a small scattering of hives on her … [Read more...]
Look it’s Duck Dynasty Man!
So we were at Golden Corral...yeah I know no good can come of a story with that beginning...thank you again, Lou (my sister). Since she introduced the littles to this trough they dream of Golden Corral like I dream of Disney. Given the choice they would probably choose Golden Corral over the freaking happiest place on earth. Weirdos Anyway, back to so we were at Golden … [Read more...]
Into the looking glass: the magic of Disney
I am going to tell you a secret. My love for Disney has absolutely nothing to do with the rides, attractions, over the top productions, or food (definitely not the food). It's a little confusing because I always want to go to Disney. My work badge is on a red Mickey Mouse lanyard. I get excited every time we go and I clog all of my friends instagram and facebook feeds the … [Read more...]
Disney Day trips: What I Pack in my Rucksack! Fall/winter with preschooler and kindergartner
It's the second most wonderful time of the year....for Disney day trips that is! This is the best time to go to Disney. As a long time season pass holder and Florida resident, it's taken me years to pack the "perfect" bag to bring into the park. (I am so glad that my kids are no longer toddlers or infants!) I've rounded up a few suggestions for you to bring with … [Read more...]