When I think back to the days my daughter was a baby, I'm filled with a lot of emotions. What I expected to be a time of joy, love, and fulfillment wasn't reality. Instead, the first year was riddled with puke, doctor's appointments, and a troubled marriage. My life had turned into a major disaster. You see, as a first-time mom, I was surprised by the overwhelming … [Read more...]
To the mom that hates to clean
Yesterday was a tough day. The husband was out of town. My daughter had to be picked up from school. I got the pleasure of being the brunt of her crankiness all day long. Just another day in the life of a mom. Kicking holes in the walls is frowned upon, so I figured a little jog would do me good and got on the treadmill at 9 pm. I hate cardio, by the way. But I hate … [Read more...]
Why sports moms need an Instant Pot
The one gift this past Christmas that had me squealing with joy and seeing rainbows and glittery clouds was a pot with a plug. I could almost feel the impending dread of dinner time during soccer season fading away into the distance. Really. I was that happy. I finally had an Instant Pot. What is an Instant Pot? For those of you who haven't seen all the chatter about it, it … [Read more...]
How to survive the stomach flu when you have kids
As a busy mom with a husband who travels due to work, there is one virus that terrifies me. The norovirus aka "the stomach flu." It knocks me on my butt and when I finally recover my kids are ruling the house Lord of the Flies style. As much as taking care of a child hit by the stomach bug sucks, trying to care for kids when you are the one puking is no walk in the park … [Read more...]
9 Quotes for Couples Struggling with Infertility
Quotes for Couples Dealing with Infertility Wanting a baby and struggling to conceive is an emotionally jarring experience. While it’s hard not being able to conceive, you’re not alone--even if it feels that way. Thousands of couples around the world are also struggling with this. I am right there with you. I am also dealing with the pain of infertility. Since our … [Read more...]