I’m bone tired this morning. I had a difficult time falling asleep and was up well past midnight. A couple hours later, Pea woke me up. She was wide awake, in what I have come to think of, as her pain position, knees up on a pillow, legs restlessly writhing. Calmly staring at me. Normally, our night time adventures start with her screaming incoherently about something that makes no sense (i.e. her hatred of the zombie head mug I got for Christmas or she wanted a popsicle). Once the spazz attack subsides, she admits that she is in pain.
I don’t know how long she’s been up or how long she’s been trying to wake me. I guess the spazz attacks are more effective.
“Mommy, my legs are hurting.”
“Do you want cold or hot, baby?”
And so I got up to rummage around in the cold dark for the heating pad and hold her while she whimpered that it was taking too long. Her legs finally stilled. We finally fell back asleep.
…only to wake up a couple hours later to bring Pork Chop to school.
Driving home, there was no music or conversation. Just the soft hiss of the heater, and the tick tick tick of the turn signal while we idled at a red light…then
“Shoot me down but I won’t fall. I am titaniiiiiiiiiummmm… ” drifted from my little Eskimo girl. So I put the song on for her and she sang while I smiled.
We’ve been on a Frozen “Let it go” kick for a while. We’ve also been flare free a while too.
That little voice, which is as petite as she is herself, sings “I am Titanium” at the most appropriate times–maybe to remind herself of her strength or maybe to remind me.
“Ricochet. Fire away, fire away.”
This is why I quit my job. So that on mornings like this, after nights like last, I can bring my baby girl home with me to rest on the couch…and feel no guilt at all.
Rabia @TheLiebers says
She sure handles it in a mature way! Good for her. I hope the flare-ups stay away!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Lord, I Believe; Help My Unbelief…Also Some Insight Into the Mind of a Three Year Old Would be Good
Gracielle says
That’s such a perfect song for Pea to be singing! Shows the strong fighting spirit inside your brave little girl.
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Sandy Sandmeyer says
That is one pretty little girl!
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Karen @TheMissingNiche says
Beautiful pics! I am so sorry your baby is having a bad day! Hope tomorrow is better. So glad you could be there for her!
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Kim Miller says
Your daughter is beautiful, and so are your stories- even if they are mixed with a bit of pain and sadness. I am sorry she was hurting last night, but thrilled that you have been flare free for a bit, and that you can be there to share these times, and just rest with her…
Kim Miller recently posted…Who Cares?
Herchel says
Oh no! We have happy stories too. We have many more happy times than painful ones. I promise. She’s actually feeling better today. But sometimes, those night time episodes are a killer. I know you know, Kim. I hate it when she is in pain.