Raising kids is rewarding. It fills my heart with joy and pride every single day. However, it is also one of the hardest undertakings I have ever undergone. These quotes about raising kids that I collected are for those times when we need a little pick me up. Those days when there doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything done and your patience is short. Like the motivational quotes from Disney, these sayings remind us that what we are doing is worth it.
Inspirational Quotes about Raising Kids:
Raising children is a creative endeavor, an art rather than a science.
– Bruno Bettelheim
Raising children uses every bit of your being – your heart, your time, your patience, your foresight, your intuition to protect them, and you have to use all of this while trying to figure out how to discipline them.
– Nicole Ari Parker
A person’s a person, no matter how small.
— Dr. Seuss
Sometimes to be a good parent… You have to laugh when you want to be angry. You have to be angry when you want to laugh. And that is why good parenting is tough.
– Dan Pearce
Someday my children will look fondly on the annoying things I did and see them clearly as evidence of love.
– Richelle E. Goodrich
Each child is a unique person, so raise your child taking this fact into
-Eraldo Banovac
Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.
-Pam Leo
The last step in parental love involves the release of the beloved; the willing cutting of the cord that would otherwise keep the child in a state of emotional dependence.
– Lewis Mumford
It is the function of parents to see that their children habitually experience the true consequences of their conduct.
– Herbert Spencer
Call them rules or call them limits, good ones, I believe, have this in common: they serve reasonable purposes; they are practical and within a child’s capability; they are consistent; and they are an expression of loving concern.
– Fred Rogers
Quotes about raising kids remind us that we are all part of this together. What I love most about today’s online world is that I have been able to contribute to this amazing virtual village of parents. As parents, we are raising the future. That’s a huge responsibility but one that I am happy to shoulder. My favorite name, after all, is mommy.
Two Meaningful Quotes About Motherhood for the Mom Who Feels Unappreciated
More Inspirational Quote Resources:
Motivational Quotes from Walt Disney
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Carrie says
These are great inspiration! I liked the one that sometimes it’s good to laugh when you’re angry. A lot of times that’s all that is needed! Thanks for sharing.