Somehow both of my kids ended up being lefties. I blame it on the husband. He is ambidextrous but started off left handed. The nuns at his Catholic Elementary school didn’t agree with his hand preference and trained him to use his right hand. Now he can use both!
My kids aren’t going to be forced to learn how to use their right hands. Though they may end up in Catholic school they currently attend a magnet school. Though I am proud to say that they are both very bright, I have noticed that there are difficulties we encounter because of their dominant hand.
Sometimes their letters are backwards.
For years, Pea constantly wore her shoes on the wrong feet. She is so stubborn that whenever we would put them on the correct feet she would switch them back.
My son used to write his words from right to left. He’s had enough practice that he doesn’t normally do that anymore but it used to be very common.
The only way to reinforce writing letters and words from left to right is by practice. Because they are left hand dominant, it does not feel natural to them to write from left to right.
Only 10% of the population is left handed. It’s surprising that both of our kids are south paws! After watching my son struggle to use normal scissors, I decided to order left handed scissors
(amazon affiliate link) for them.
When I read books to them, I trace the words as I read them to reinforce the directional learning.
I’ve also put “reminders” on their handwriting worksheets that they brought home from preschool and kindergarten. After looking over their old school work as I am organizing it for storage, I came up with some handwriting worksheets that can be used for homeschooling and supplemental education practice. I am focusing on the most commonly erred letters.
Though, I did start the worksheets with left handed letter practice in mind, they can be used by any preschoolers or kindergartners for practice!
Zack Lewis says
Thanks so much! The left handed worksheet is great 😊
Here’s a quick way to create left handed worksheets with directional arrows for left- handed instruction:
Hope it helps someone.
Alison says
My second brother is left-handed, and no one else is! I wonder how he coped back then…..
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Herchel says
It messes me up when I am trying to help them with their letters! Plus, their arms and hands get ink on them from how they have to hold the paper since writing from left to right is difficult for them.
Roshni says
My older son is left-handed as well. Somehow, he never had any issues about his letters, though I was expecting it! Surprisingly, it’s my younger one, who is right-handed, who has the occasional confusion! 😀
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