I'm bone tired this morning. I had a difficult time falling asleep and was up well past midnight. A couple hours later, Pea woke me up. She was wide awake, in what I have come to think of, as her pain position, knees up on a pillow, legs restlessly writhing. Calmly staring at me. Normally, our night time adventures start with her screaming incoherently about something … [Read more...]
What?! No more pain from shots? Yeah!
It is difficult to tell from pictures but Princess Pea is small. Not just preschooler small; she is fell-off-the-growth-charts-and-was-tested-for -dwarfism-small (It turns out that she's merely of Asian descent and small). It's okay though because her big personality more than makes up for her lack of size. When Pea was an infant, it would take a nurse, … [Read more...]
8 Tips for adventures with a carsick kid
This time, I was armed with three changes of clothing, wipes, plastic bags, and a roll of paper towels before setting out for our trip to the specialist. I remember the last trip with horror and refuse to go through THAT again. Pea's specialist is a good hour and a half away. And the carsickness is real folks. She used to get carsick all the time. Her record is 5 times in … [Read more...]
Operation: Perspective
November 2013 hasn't really been an easy month for us. To give you an idea, my miscarriage in October was just the pebble that preceded the avalanche. It has gotten worse since then. We have been in juvenile arthritis hell. A good friend told me that the miscarriage was probably for the best because there has been so much on my plate since then that it would have been too … [Read more...]
The start of our Juvenile Arthritis Journey
Hi there, If you landed on this article and clicked it, then chances are someone you know is suspected of having or was recently diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. I am sharing our story because it is a difficult disease to comprehend and diagnose. Our stories are all so varied. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or if you just want to chat … [Read more...]