Do you have a child with tons of allergies? Are you a mom that carries single dose allergy medication in your purse "just in case"? When my daughter visited an allergist and underwent the dreaded allergy skin test, the results were unsurprising. We already knew she was allergic to a bunch of stuff; the hives are an "alert" that is impossible to miss. Besides, I'd spent much … [Read more...]
My Favorite Spooky and Stylish Rustic Halloween Wreaths
With Halloween right around the corner, it's always the perfect time to get a new seasonal wreath. Personally, I prefer finding handmade ones because they tend to be more creative than what you can buy in stores. And there is much less of a chance of someone having the same beautiful rustic Halloween wreath. Who knew that spooky, stylish, and rustic could all be used to … [Read more...]
Power up your day with these morning tips
The only sound is the swish and whir of the dishwasher and the steady tap tap clicks as I work. The smell of my Tully's Dark French Roast lingers in the kitchen while I sit at the table.This is my power hour. A productive day begins with a productive morning. Wake up early. Back when I was a cog in the corporate wheel, I woke up an hour before my kids so I … [Read more...]
Inside Tips for First Time Dance Moms – Real Life Advice From Someone Who’s Been There
Do you relate to the "sports mom life" even though your kids aren't in a typical "youth sport"? I'm sharing tips for moms with kids in after school activities beyond the common sports so keep checking back! Do you have a little one that has just starting dance lessons? If you're new to the world of being a dance mom (no, not like the show) some of the rules and gear can seem … [Read more...]
Why I am tempted to enroll my kids in a virtual school stat!
Every so often my husband brings up the idea homeschooling our kids. And each time I shoot the idea down. While I admire the many homeschool moms out there rocking it, I know that I am not the best person to teach my kids. While my husband and I both work remotely, he travels far more than I do. He also has a boss, works for a company, and makes the lion's share of our … [Read more...]