Everyone dies. It's the one thing about life every single one of us can count. However, when a loved one passes it is still a kick to the heart that leaves you bruised and aching. Being strong seems like an unnattainable goal. These comforting quotes about death and bereavement remind us that we are not alone. It doesn't matter if you are grieving the loss of a grandparent, … [Read more...]
7 Ways Moms Can Prevent and Treat the Flu by an RN
Happy flu season, y’all! It’s going around strong right now. In fact, the CDC recently declared that the only US state that wasn’t in full-out outbreak mode is Hawaii. That island is sounding a little bit more like paradise, isn’t it? So whether you’re trying to avoid getting sick, actively sick with influenza, or helping your family with all of the above, let’s chat about 7 … [Read more...]
How to Get Your Friends to Buy the Useful Baby Shower Gifts You Really Want
Some of us moms are completely practical--especially if you're having your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th baby. Experienced Aunts also learn how valuable a huge box of wipes when compared to the 100th adorable onesie that will probably still look new when the baby grows out of it. If you’re pregnant or expecting a baby in some way shape or form, these useful gifts for new moms should … [Read more...]
Super Fun Bubble Toys Your Kids Will Love
Bubbles are magical. They turn tears into laughter and frowns into smiles. Even though my kids are getting older they still get the same look of wide eyed joy whenever I pull out the bubbles. We are big supporters of outdoor play. I firmly believe that more outside play leads to emotionally, mentally, and physically healthier kids. When I want my kids to run around and get … [Read more...]
New Things To Do at Disney This Year
If you have been considering taking a trip to Disney World this year, now is a perfect time! There are many significant changes happening at Disney, and this year there are so many new attractions, restaurants, and other exciting things happening in the parks. We took a couple of years off from visiting the Disney World parks. After a few years of annual passes, our kids had … [Read more...]